tweeter : @lislustya // facebook : Rahayu Sulistyawati // Skype : tya.dekorasia

Saturday, December 14, 2013

4 Kalimat Dari Teman


Friday, Dec 13, 13 @Boarding House
Malem ini, abis merampungkan dua film Indonesia, aku sengaja nggak pengen pindah ke film yang ketiga. Pengen nulis dan akhirnya iseng minta kalimat ke beberapa temen. Sebenernya aku Cuma butuh 4 kalimat aja si, pengennya dari dua temen cewek, dan dua temen cowok.
Setelah ber BBM an dengan beberapa temen, akirnya kalimat pertama aku dapet dari temen yang namanya Dewi (@dewi27aqua). Temen sanggar yang sebentar lagi mau pergi ke Damman. Kalimat dia adalah : Menelan pahitnya butiran kesedihan. Omaigat, mungkin dia agak setengah tertekan kali ya pas kepikiran kalimat ini. Atau memang selama hidupnya penuh tekanan? #plak *ditampar*
Kalimat kedua aku dapet dari temen yang namanya Dewi (@deequarrel) jugak. Dia temen yang aku anggep sebagai kakak, bahkan sodara sendiri, bukan sodara orang lain. Entah dia nganggep aku sebagai adek dan bahkan sodara sendiri juga apa tidak. Entahlah. Kalimat dia adalah : sendiri bukan akhir dunia. Hahhahahhahaha.....agak mirip mirip si tingkat kegalauannya sama kalimat yang pertama. Galau maksimal pake banget. Katanya beberapa hari ini kalimat itu yang berada dipikirannya. Beehhh, *pukpuk dagunya*
Kalimat ketiga aku dapet dari Samuel. Hmmm, begini deh kalimatnya : Kadang kau harus percaya dulu, kepercayaan padamu akan mengikuti. Yang pasti kalimat ini sama persis dengan status BBM nya. Entah dia lagi suka banget dengan kalimat itu, atau bisa jadi dia males mikir karena aku ganggu, hahhahaa... tengkyuu kak bro.
Kalimat terakhir aku dapet dari Andi. Si temen yang jago gitar ini kasi kalimat begini : Gerimispun masih menggebuk genteng. Mungkin karena dia pemusik, sering maen gitar dengan cara digebug-gebug jadinya air ujan pun ikutan menggebug genteng. #halah
*minum aquwa gelas 3 gelas*
Akhirnya setelah minum minum sambil mikir, mikir mikir sambil minum punya ide juga untuk menggabungkan 4 kalimat itu jadi satu cerita. Kira-kira begini :
Empat puluh. Akhir-akhir ini aku akrab sekali dengan angka empat puluh. Tiap pagi, saat buka mata, saat hidup dimulai, angka 40 lah yang aku temukan. Suka nggak suka. Nggak suka karena itu awal mula aku tergesa-gesa. Suka karena aku masih punya waktu 20 menit untuk tergesa-gesa.
Well, 40 hanyalah angka biasa saja jika tidak diberi embel-embel angka 7 didepannya. Ya, 7.40.  begitulah akhir-akhir ini aku sering memulai hari, harus kerja tepat jam 8.00 dan baru bangun jam 7.40.
Life style berubah. Habbit berubah. Tempat tinggal berubah. Semuanya berubah setelah aku tidak lagi dengannya. Kadang kau harus percaya dulu, kepercayaan padamu akan mengikuti. Mungkin iya, tapi rasa percaya ini mendadak hilang total. Entah karena jarak yang masih setia berada diantara aku dan dia, atau karena kepercayaan itu sudah berpindah ke orang lain.
Aku membuka file-file fotoku bersama dia. Hujan besar nampaknya sudah mulai berenti, gerimispun masih menggebuk genteng tadi malem saat aku kembali bermain dengan memori. Folder satu persatu kubuka. Aku hampir bisa mengingat semua lokasi dimana foto itu diambil. Susah. Sulit untuk sekejap bisa melupakannya. Move on kata orang-orang mainstream bilang. Tapi terlalu mudah move on juga tidak bagus menurutku. Kita bisa hidup sekarang karena adanya masa lalu. Kenapa harus dilupakan?
Dari sekian banyak foto, aku berhenti pada satu foto yang waktu itu diambil di deket kosnya, didepan sebuah showroom. Showroom itu masih sepi. Pintu gerbangnya masih tertutup tapi tidak dikunci. Tempatnya unik. Kita harus melewati tangga dari kayu dulu sebelum menemukan pintu masuk. Tangga yang bisa dijadikan tempat duduk, seperti saat kita nonton suatu pertandingan. Didepan showroom ada taman yang luas. Ada batu batu besar berwarna hitam yang bisa juga digunakan sebagai tempat duduk. Aku dan dia berfoto-foto bergantian. Duduk ditangga. Duduk di bebatuan. Duduk direrumputan taman. Menemukan tempat itu semacam menemukan surga. Aku dan dia jadi sering kembali kesitu. Membawa buku bacaan. Membawa cemilan. Membawa laptop untuk nonton film bareng. Ngobrol, bercanda, ketawa. Aku dan dia penggila film. Pencinta buku. Penikmat musik. Anehnya, showroom itu selalu sepi, pagarnya tertutup tapi tidak terkunci. Jadi bisa dengan mudah masuk kedalam. “How lucky we’re. God has prepared a heaven for us” ucapnya karena ngerasa kalo tempat itu diciptain memang untuk kami berdua, hahahhaa...
Tempat itu kemudian kita sebut sebagai “incredible place”. Walaupun kosnya deket dengan rumahku, tapi kita sengaja ke incredible place untuk ketemu. Berbagi tawa-tawa kecil disana, bercerita penat seharian di tempat kerja, bertukar buku, menonton film baru, menyanyi lagu-lagu bareng yang lagi hits, tiduran dirumput, bahkan merayakan tahun baru. Oh ya, just realized, aku dan dia pernah merayakan tahun baru tiga kali di incredible place. Simple but impressing.
Aku bener-bener sudah menutup semua folder. Sebentar lagi sudah tahun baru lagi. Sudah tiga tahun dia pergi meninggalkan Indonesia dan kembali ke negaranya. Saling percaya? Harus Percaya? Awalnya iya. Sebelum berpisah we totally did trust each other, lalu jarak yang panjang dan lama menggoda kita. Aku mematikan laptop. Seperti menelan pahitnya butiran kesedihan. Move on? Kata apa lagi itu? Semuanya masih jelas terbayang. Sama sekali tidak ada yang terlupa walaupun aku tidak menghafalnya. Dimana dia? Apa kabar dia? Will he come back to the incredible place someday? Does he have a new incredible place? Sebentar lagi tahun baru, kebersamaan bersama dia random bermunculan dipikiran. Tahun baru? Sendirian? Ah sendiri bukan akhir dunia.
Pagi ini aku bangun jam 07.40 lagi. Hari dimulai dengan sisa-sisa ingatan tadi malam. Dan aku masi punya 20 menit lagi untuk mandi, ganti baju, perjalanan ke kantor. Beginiah aku akan hidup tanpa dia. Entah sampe kapan. Mungkin sampe aku bertemu dia lagi. Atau dia dia yang lain.

Hehehehhe..thank u teman teman who have given me your best statement. Besok-besok aku minta kalimat lagi yaa... May God bless you J

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Singapore : Ajak aku piknik, dan aku akan bangun lebih pagi dari kemarin

Traveling. Dya love traveling?
I think all people do, though they’ve different favorite destination. Some people like beaches so much, so they hunt all beaches in the world. Some like history places like palace, museum, monument, etc. Some like city tour and others. What about you? I love them all :D
On last Nov 03-05, 13, my closed friend, my lovely sister, Dewi and I, had a chance to see Singapore. Yea, we planned this long time ago. It was our first experience to go to foreign country. We chose Singapore, cause seems the country looks fascinating.
We only had 3 days for it, due to our duty. Yup, we work, we’re employee, so couldn’t leave our job for long time. We’re superb excited. We prepared it maybe, mmm, around 2-3 months before, hahhahhaa...
We hunted tickets, looked for the cheapest ones, booked a hotel, also looked for the cheapest but finally we got the expensive ones cause we traveled on Sunday, and also on public holiday. Everything turned to be expensive, uh..
We prepared a simple itinerary, bought USS tickets, changed our money, printed MRT map and so on and so on. Hehhhe, we’re a lil bit afraid if we got lost.
Finally, on Nov 03, 2013, on Sunday exactly, I got up very earlier :”>
I always get up early in the morning when I will have traveling. I rarely do this, I’m often late everyday to work, lol. After we’re ready for all, we reached Adi Sucipto airport by catching a taxi. Our flight was at 07.40 am by Air Asia. We checked in, passed the immigration checking, etc etc and yea, we boarded then. Jogja to Singapore took around 2 hours by plane. After arriving at Changi airport, and managed everything including our luggage, we bought an MRT tickets. Many people could speak Indonesian there, so we’re not worried. We bought the EZ Link for 3 days. It's charged 30 SGD. We needed to queue for some minutes to get it.
After getting it, we’re confused where we should go. Oh ya, we got difficulty to see security or someone to ask. Maybe because the country is managed well, so they don’t need security attendant anymore. Maybe.
We then asked to the attendant we met. Our first destination was Amariz Hotel. We already booked a room there, and needed to keep the heavy luggage before continuing to travel. Thanks God, although we’re in doubt, finally we stopped in the right place. We stopped in Bugis.  And the drama continued, seems we still got difficulty to find the hotel. We asked someone, we asked another one, and last I asked a hotel attendant. He told me clearly. The hotel was not too far from there, and we found easily then.
After checking in, we kept our luggage in the room 606 in the sixth floor. We continued our traveling. We went to Esplanade. Hahahha, we’re totally confused where to go. But, we stopped first in Mc D to have lunch. Hmm, there was no rice there, so we only had burger and french fries. After finishing our food, we took a bus. Someone suggested us to take bus 311 if I’m not forgot. But then I re-asked to the driver. The driver said the bus didn’t pass Esplanade. One of the passengers knew our problem. He, then informed us to stop and changed another bus. We followed his instruction since we also had no idea, lol
After changing a bus, I asked to the driver again, and he stopped in a bus station closed to Esplanade. We needed to walk some minutes but it’s not a problem. While walking, we took pictures everywhere. We passed a garden and saw many Singaporean enjoying there. They played a guitar and sang songs. Hmmm, the song was like in Chinese or mandarin language, not too sure. Some of them had food, something like potluck party maybe. Some just talked each other.
 Esplanade was nice. The big Durian buildings, closed to river and Merlion Park. We enjoyed there so much. Took pictures here and there. We came to the Esplanade Mall, just looked around for a while, and we had an uncle ice cream there. The price was 1,2 SGD. It’s so delicious, unfortunately, the Durian flavor was running out, so I bought the blueberry one.

After that, we went to Merlion Park. Everybody who travels in Singapore always having pictures there. We did also, many times =))
Next, we went to Raffless place. We’re a little bit confused again where to go, but then a Singaporean girl told us. We only needed to walk, cause it’s closed. On the way to Raffless Place, we bought a mineral water. The price was around 1 SGD.
Time flew. It turned to be evening fast.
On the evening, we went to Clarke Quay. The place was in Singapore river. Clarke Quay was like Prawirotaman Jogja. There’re many cafes, sold many kinds of food, and we could have it besides the river. We also could take a boat to look around the river but we didn’t. We’re not too interested since we’re lil bit tired. We went there for some hours. Listened to music that was played in the Cafes. Took pictures. Saw the river, saw the people on boat. Huhhmm, it was nice.
After satisfying in Clarke Quay, we moved to China Town. It’s closed enough so we only walked. We looked around China Town, hunted gifts or souvenirs. We got nothing there. The price was not too expensive but we decided to buy in Bugis street, near the hotel. We then went back to hotel since the MRT was only operated till at 00.00 am.
We arrived at Bugis, looked  for dinner. Since we felt full enough, we didn't buy. We went back to our room and had food we brought from Indonesia. We took shower, made instant noodle, charged everything. Our body, our gadgets. Chatted with some friends, uploaded some pictures on FB, updated status, stalked on twitter, ohhhh...
Second day.
I got up earlier (again) than my sister =))
As our itinerary we made, we would spend much time in USS. After having breakfast at the hotel, we went to USS. We already could read the MRT map, so in the second day, we didn’t need to ask many people *benerin kacamata*
We took the MRT in Bugis, went to Vivo Mall. The Mall was opened 24 hours. We lifted to the third floor. Akh, each part of the place were nice. We stopped and stopped and stopped again to have pictures there.
We then bought a ticket to go to Sentosa Island. It's charged 4 SGD. We caught the train, and it only needed around 10 minutes. We arrived in USS and aaaaaa.....loved it.
Before queuing to enter the place, we looked around, found a chocolate world shop, a candy world shop, found a big sea aquarium.
Happyh Happyh Happyh.
 We then queued like others, people from many countries. It made us thirsty and lil bit hungry. After passing the gate, we needed to queue and queue and queue again to play the kinds of playground. First we watched a 3D movie. Aaaa, it was like a real one. We felt the water, the wind, the cold situation, etc.
Then we walked around, played other ones. Something I liked the most was, when we queued, we’re really comfortable. We didn’t feel hot even we queued in outside places. there were always many fan, and, if we’re thirsty, we could take water there.
After spending many hours in USS, we went back to the chocolate shop. We bought many. We continued to Sentosa Island, caught a cable train named Gondola. The ticket was 26 SGD for a person. We’re just two persons, and enjoyed the Gondola around a half an hour. We could see the whole Singapore from above. Aaaaaa...aaaaaa....aaaaa....aaaaaa.....*ketawa norak*
 On that day, it rained. Uhh, lucky us we brought an umbrella :D....after that, we had lunch in KFC. Yea, we had rice there, but the rice was different from what we eat everyday. But that’s OK, delicious also. The rain stopped, we continued to walk around Sentosa Island. Oh ya, we took a train to get there. We went to Siloso beach, saw some lounges, cafes, and all places were so clean. No rubbish everywhere.
We planned to see Song Of The Sea, but the attendant said, if rain came again, there should be no show. So we waited while looking at around. We caught a free tram, looked around the island including to see the Palawan beach.
Oh ya, the Song Of The Sea were played 2 times, at 07.40 pm and 20.40 pm. We finally bought tickets and chose the first show. We bought regular tickets and the price was 12 SGD for one person. The show was around an hour, and was amazing water fountain, combined by some children who played drama. They sang songs in different languages. We’re happy so much.
 Our socond day was completed by shopping in Bugis. We bought bags, then the seller gave us some earrings and a wallet for bonus. Whoaa, how lucky we’re. We bought other souvenirs like watches, t-shirts, key-chains, etc. The place was like Malioboro. Everything was not too expensive and unlucky, they opened till at 10.00 pm only. So we shopped in hurry and not satisfied.
After buying some things, we looked for a dinner. We walked in Bugis street and found some vendors. I thought the sellers were Malaysian. We bought rice and noodle there. Roughly, the price was about 2-3 SGD. We went back to hotel, had the food, took shower, and packed what we bought. Last we slept so tight, zzzzzzz.....
Third day.
We actually planned to Marina Bay Sand, Orchard Road and Little India, but we had no enough time to do that since we should leave Singapore around at 02.30 pm, so after having breakfast at hotel, we decided to go back to Bugis street. We continued shopping there. Still needed buying several things for Mom, Dad, and friends. 
At 11.00 pm, we went back to hotel, for final packing. We checked out, headed to Changi airport. After checking in Lion counter, we still had much time to wait. We took pictures, had food and drink. Lucky us, the flight was not delayed :D
 We leaft Singapore for Jakarta. Yea, we transited there. We had lunch at BCA Lounge while waiting for our next flight to Jogja. As the schedule, we would leave Jakarta at 07.35 pm, the last flight of Garuda, but the flight was delayed around an hour. Even though we’re tired, but we’re cheer up still.
We arrived at Jogja around 10.00 pm, and I arrived at boarding house 10.30 om. Whoaaa,,, Alhamdulillah :D .... I thanked YOU sooo much my Lord.
Well, I missed some places in the trip, hope someday I’ve a chance again to see them. But, our next plan is going to Thailand. Who’ll be in? Dan pasti, aku akan bangun lebih pagi lagi :D

Sang Penari dan Ruangan Kaca

Kamu pernah menari? Kamu sukak menari?
Dulu, dulu banget, pertama kali aku nari pas SMP. Itu memang masuk dalam pelajaran sekolah. Seminggu sekali dan entah tarian apa yang dipelajarin. Dulu, masi kecil banget, enggak pede dan masi malu-malu.
Sampe akirnya kerja di Jogja. Setelah dua tahunan kerja baru nemu sanggar tari. Jam latiannya match sama jam kerja, dan bayarnya murah. Both are very good combination, hehhehee.
Disanggar, aku latian nari klasik. Tari Rengga Mataya namanya. Durasinya sekitar 25 menitan. Tariannya lemah lembut, tarian khas jawa. Walaupun lemah lembut tapi kalo 25 menitan keringetan jugak lho :D
Akirnya, setelah enam bulan latihan, tanggal 31 Oktober kemarin aku ujian. Whaaa, enggak deg deg an mo dapet nilai baik atau jelak sih, cause basicly I just wanna dance, tp nervous kalo ada yang salah2 atau kecepeten, lol...
It was amazing for me. Kali pertama aku nari didepan umum gitu wlp baru acara ujian sih hehhehe. But I loved it so much. Mejeng2 dulu yaaaaa
Di Sanggar ada banyak kegiatan selain les nari itu sendiri. Ada Selasa Legen misalnya. Acara nari bersama yang digelar rutin setiap Selasa Legi. Acaranya sekitar jam 7 an malem. Disitu semua penari, baik senior maupun junior, berkumpul dan nari bersama. Seru. Aku pernah ikut sekali. Waktu itu pas bertepatan dengan ultah sanggar, jadi abis nari langsung makan makan hahhahaha....
Mmmm, ada juga pas ultah kota Jogja kemarin, dari sanggar juga ikutan berpartisipasi. Aku sama temen2 ikut. Seneng, aku punya banyak temen baru disitu. Itu semacam karnaval si, jadi kita nggak nari full. Kemarin diajarin nari pake kipas gitu. Emang keliatan banget mana penari mana amatiran. Awalnya, buka tutup kipas aja aku kesusahan hehehhhe..but I was so happyh, and everything went well.
Mejeng – mejeng lagi ya, hehhehee
Then, tgl 15 November 2013. Ini event dalam rangka ultah 100 tahun GKJ Gondokusuman. Ada banyak performances, dari berbagai macam tarian, gamelan, nyanyi lagu2 jawa, teater jugak. Aku ikutan nari yang part Tari Bedhoyo. Waakk, it’s other new experience for me. Durasinya 3-5 menitanlah, dan aku sangat sukaakkkk...
Something I love most, pelatihnya adalah Mbak Kinanti Sekar Rahina, atau yang akrab disapa Mbak Sekar. Dia si penari kece yang juga penggagas jampi gugat. Apa itu jampi gugat? Ini aku kasi linknya :
Tarian jampi gugat pernah diadain di tugu Jogja, kemarin juga diadain pas ultah Jogja, tepatnya di Malioboro, baru2 ini diadain di acara dahsyat. Oh, unlucky me, gabisa ikut semuanya. Pas bebarengan ada acara semuaa *benerin kerah* *sok sibuk*
Mejeng – mejeng lagi ya, hehhehhee
Ini udah mirip puti putrian belum :/
Next event, maybe will be December 27, 2013. Ini acara dari sanggar sih. Jadi ceritanya kelasku dapet semester pendek (duile kek anak kuliyahan) untuk event akhir tahun atau event opening pendopo apa gituh. Rencananya bakal nari tarian golek ayun ayun. Akh, how excited I’m. Well, will be shared in next posting hehhehhee...
Oh ya, what kind of things do you want most, right now?
Kalo aku, aku pengen punya sebuah ruangan yang agak luas, lalu disetiap sisinya dilapisi kaca/ cermin, jadi aku bisa bebas menari didalamnya, dan bisa melihat setiap part tubuhku sendiri. Bisa mengoreksi bagian mana yang kurang luwes dan memperbaikinya. Trus, diruangan itu ada satu meja dan satu kursi. Setelah capek menari, aku bisa menarik laci mejanya, ada banyak kertas putih dan bolpen disitu,  dan aku bisa menulis sepuasnya apa yang sudah dan akan ku tari kan. That’s a simple thing, hope I have soon.
Mmmm, btw kapan-kapan, kamu mau nari bersamaku?