tweeter : @lislustya // facebook : Rahayu Sulistyawati // Skype : tya.dekorasia

Friday, May 10, 2013

Extending SIM means having one day “Trip” with Ayah

First, I want to say thanks to my boss who gave me an off Wednesday :D thanks sir, you always help me in everything....
Second, I wanna say thanks to my Ayah who accompanied me all day long *hug*.
Around a week before May 08. 2013 I had plans like below :
  1. Extending driving license
  2. Having breakfast at Soto Ledok Kartasuro
  3. Having lunch at Happy Bee Solo Grand Mall
  4. Watching a movie titled 9 Summers 10 Auntums
  5. Having photobox
  6. Going to warnet to check emails and making a PO for a new buyer
This morning (May 08, 2013), I got up ealier than usual. I would do plan “a” since it’s the biggest and most important thing why I’m off of working. I’ve ever read in kompas before that the procedure is easy and cheap. I just need to copy my identity card, my old driving license, and get a healthy letter from doctor. Besides that, I should come to the police station early morning, because many people will do.
Sorry to say, Plan “b” was failed since my Ibu went to a market this morning and she went home bringing much food. My Ayah did breakfast at home.
Okay, finally I went to the pollice station at 07.00 am : )))))
My Ayah and I went there by motorbike. We needed around 45 minutes to reach. The absurd thing was happened then. We live in Boyolali but we didn’t absolutely know where the Boyolali police station located. We asked some people and yea, we found it.
My Ayah suggested me to go to a drugstore near there, and yes, many people queued to get a healthy letter there. We should fill a form first, then we submitted it. The attendance would call us to have a medical check. 
When I filled the form, a guy who wear a black jacket said that I should sit in a proper place. I smiled and said thanks. The guy then sit next to my Ayah. I didn’t know what they talked about. He then suggested me to pay IDR 25 K. He snagged the form I filled in, wasted it to wastebin, and wrote something on the copy of my identity card. He then gave the copy to an attendance. He instructed me to wait like other people. The attendance would call me.
I waited for some times. I thought around 30 minutes. The attendance called me, gave me a healthy letter without asking me to do medical check first. Ahhahahhaha, how lucky I was. I asked to a girl who did normally procedure, and she paid IDR 20 K, while I paid IDR 25 K. That’s really OK for me.
After getting the letter, my Ayah and I went to the police station. I submitted all document. The attendance gave me a form to fill in again. I filled in, submitted afterwards. The other attendance called me to pay. I paid IDR 75K. Next, other attendance called me to take a photo. I waited for some minutes. The last attendance gave me the driving license. Finally, plan “a” was done. Alhamdulillah :D
I finished all of them till around mmmm at 12.00 pm. I asked my Ayah to do plan “c”. We went to Solo Grand Mall. We had lunch at Happy Bee. 
After being full, I asked my Ayah to walk around. I would do plan “d” and “e”. We got to the upstairs but unfortunately, the film of 9 Summers 10 Auntumns was not played L It’s impposible for me to ask him to watch another films like Cinta Brontosaurus and Iron Man 3 hahahhahaha....Yea, plan “d” was failed successfully. 
What about plan “e”?
mmmmm....we walked around and walked around. We found a photobox but not really comfortable. We moved to other Mall then. We went to Solo Square. 9 Summers 10 Auntumns also was not played there L but surprisingly we found a photobox <3 yey yey yeyyyyyyyy......We were narsis like below :p
The last was plan “f”. But again, unfortunately the internet connection was down. I also could see it from status of some friends. I couldn’t check emails. I asked Ayah to go home. We arrived at home around at 02.30 pm. Wuhuuuuuuu....thanks Ayah for this one day “trip”. Sorry for bothering you :D
Written : May 08, 2013
At home :)

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